This is a base schedule for those looking to sign up and are in need of dates and times for their own personal scheduling purposes. These dates/ times and locations are subject to change and will only be solidified after sign ups are closed and teams are made. This usually takes place following player evaluations. Please note, you can also view a more detailed team specific schedule by clicking menu item "Calendar" once the schedule is created.
Week 1 - 4/9

Practice only (all teams)
9am - 3pm
Bristow Middle
Week 2 - 4/15

Jr. Baller/ Baller practices
6pm - 9pm
Bristow Middle
Week 2 cont'd - 4/16

Practice/ Games
9am - 6pm
Bristow Middle
Week 3 - 4/22

Jr. Baller/ Baller practices
6pm - 9pm
Bristow Middle
Week 3 cont'd - 4/23

Practice/ Games
9am - 6pm
Bristow Middle
Week 4 - 4/29

Jr. Baller/ Baller practices
6pm - 9pm
Bristow Middle
Week 4 cont'd - 4/30

Practice/ Games
9am - 6pm
Bristow Middle
Week 5 - 5/6

Jr. Baller/ Baller practices
6pm - 9pm
Bristow Middle
Week 5 cont'd - 5/7

Practice/ Games
9am - 6pm
Bristow Middle
Week 6 - 5/13

Jr. Baller/ Baller practices
6pm - 9pm
Bristow Middle
Week 6 cont'd - 5/14

Practice/ Games
9am - 6pm
Bristow Middle
Week 7 - 5/20

Jr. Baller/ Baller practices
6pm - 9pm
Bristow Middle
Week 7 cont'd - 5/21

Practice/ Games
9am - 6pm
Bristow Middle
Week 8 (Playoffs) - 5/27

Round 1/ Starters & D-League
6pm - 8pm
Bristow Middle
Week 8 (Playoffs cont'd) - 5/28

All divisions playoff
9am - 5pm
Bristow Middle